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Mid-week announcements - April 22, 2020


Here is the link for mid-week announcements for April 22, 2020: https://youtu.be/TzII081t22o
The short version is: 
a. We are going to be video-only worship through Memorial Day Weekend at a minimum; 
b. We are tentatively looking at May 31st (the Sunday after Memorial Day Weekend) as a possible time to return to live worship. It is Pentecost and there is something wonderful about disciples coming out of hiding to proclaim the mighty deeds of God. 
c. On May 31, we also are (at this point) participating in Graceworks. We will come out of hiding to worship and serve. More info will be forthcoming, including a Mission Message this Sunday.
d. The May 9 Zephyr Point work day has been postponed. They are not allowed to have work groups at all — safe distancing or not — until at least early-to-mid June. We will update when we have more information.
e. The Food Pantry at the church is depleted. If you are able to help or interested in how to help, please contact Nina Sattely: glassynina@gmail.com.

Please keep reaching out to one another and keep at the work of discipleship: prayer. God bless you!

Your brother in Christ,
Bob Davis